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Achieved the July 20, 2001
  • Discipline : Aerial sport > Skydiving
  • Disability : Sclérose en plaques
  • Set by : Yves Le Gat
  • Nationality : French
  • Location : Vichy

Yves Legat was born in 1952 and he has passion for skydiving.
In 1983 he fell ill to multiple sclerosis and since that, he hasn’t stopped doing jumps during the day and at night, in France, in Hawaï…

Let’s let Yves talk: This jump at Vichy was done from an antonov 72, which has the advantage to reach an altitude of 5500 meters in 5 minutes with a reaction plane and so, without need of oxygen during the flight.
It was an international meeting and a video was made by an American parachutist who always films during meetings.
The jump was done in tandem with Marc Bonneau from Air Loisirs company based in Pujeaut, 84.

Pictures of the feat