Exploit réalisé
Achieved the December 19, 1998

Parachute jump by a visually impaired person

  • Discipline : Aerial sport > Skydiving
  • Disability : total blindness
  • Set by : M. Patrick RICOU
  • Nationality : French
  • Location : Pujaut near Avignon, France

I forgot to spread my arms open whilst jumping from the plane, and i whirled in the sky.
I felt I was smiling. I was falling at more than 200kmph, with only my naked arms to guide my way, piercing through the frozen air, but the coldness cannot prevent the sensation of feeling so happy. I forgot everything, I had only feelings, I was free from all pain. All my body felt pleasure and I wished that the feeling would never end. I was infinitely free.
For years I had wanted to do this. Finally September 19th 1998, in Pujaut, close to avignon, I took off in a small skydiving club plane, with Marc, an experienced skydiver, and a cameraman. Three of my friends stayed by the trackside with a journalist of the Dauphine(a daily newspaper).

At an altitude of 4,000 meters, the cameraman jumped. I followed him, tied together with Marc who had the parachute on his back; it was to become the beginning of an enchantment whose memory still dazzles me. After 50 seconds which seemed to last a lifetime, a brutal force pulled on my legs while the sail of the parachute was spread in a defeaned flapping. Marc gave me the handles and I piloted the parachute. We were at an altitude of 1,200 meters. The descent turned calm, and the temperature became more pleasant. I listened to Marc’s advice, gliding through the air slowly, like a bird returning to the ground. I felt amazing. Stroked by the wind, I made my dream come true, a dream which had been in my head for such a long time.
After about four or five minutes, at around twenty meters from the ground, I raised my knees to prepare for landing, following Marc’s instructions. I had rather badly proportioned my body and, rocking forwards, we made a spectacular landing.
Once we had landed, the cameraman asked me for some words to conclude before stopping recording. “Amazing! with Marc, I felt so safe, I want to do it again!”
Sometimes, I switch on my television, I insert the video cassette of my skydiving jump in my video recorder, and I feel that I’m living the moment again, a moment I will never forget.
It’s true that I’m blind, but I know every moment of this video gives me all of the feelings I had on that day.