Paraplegic, he climbs Mont Ventoux
Crédit photos : Les Éditions de l'Avenir S.A
The view of Mont Ventoux is breathtaking... But you have to earn it. A true myth in the world of cycling, it has a reputation for being thorny. This was not enough to frighten Benjamin Robaux, a paraplegic, who came to grips with the force of his arms.
June 25, 2020. It's D-Day. The weather is good, Benjamin is ready. At 7 a.m., the Belgian begins his ascent of 1,152 meters of vertical drop from Sault. Far be it from him to break a record or make a sensational time... The challenge is to give hope, to show that disability is not the end and that, on the contrary, it often justifies the means. "On the slopes with the lunar landscape, the handbike did not go faster than a pedestrian. The cyclists who were overtaking me encouraged me,he told Belgian media I had my doubts for the last few kilometres because I was feeling a pain in my shoulder. I bit on my quid and it was in the middle of a hedge of honor made by bikers that I crossed the summit, with some pride. Having just recovered from this breathless challenge, he is already planning to attack the Giant of Provence "by Bédoin or Malaucene, shorter but more difficult ascents.
Source Juillet 2020