Bet achieved for Jean-Claude Planque...

Increadible challenge that Jean Claude Planque has decided for himself. 49 ans, attained of anagesia of heads and with one leg.
In Southern France, at the wheel of his Porsche 911 Turbo S, at more than one instance he was reaching over 300 KM /h on the track of the Aerospace Base of Istres.
During the last run, he was fixing the record a 309 Km/h que noted by the notary Philippe de Marans on the tool of sur le cinemometer of the Gendarmerie of the BA 125 under the eyes of the Base commanding officer the Colonel Rougier.
Jean Claude was declaring that he was happy to have reached this record during the last run , encouraging his car to give out the maximum…
The web site «, is happy to validate this new record and hope to find back Jean Claude for new advantures.
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