Blind drag racer sets new speed record on ‘Jay Leno’s Garage’.

Crédit photo: Tony Thacker -
Blind driver Dan Parker set a world record on Wednesday’s episode of Jay Leno’s Garage. The 2005 American Drag Racing League Pro Nitrous world champion was involved in a serious accident in 2012 which left him completely blind.
Parker’s car is a modified 2008 Corvette which features an advanced navigation system. The system was designed by Parker’s friend from Boeing and incorporates gyroscopes, GPS units, and inertia switches. The system is so advanced it is able to predict the car’s travel and instantly relay that back to Parker via audible feedback.
Prior to the attempt, Jay Leno got a big laugh out of the racer when he tried to wish him luck. “I’d say let’s see what happens, but that would be inappropriate,” he mused.
Parker ended up setting a new world record for the fastest unassisted blind driver at 152 mph. When Leno went to congratulate him, the driver jokingly felt for Leno’s legendary chin for confirmation, saying, “Who’s this … oh, this is Jay Leno!”