Blind Fencing in Lisbon : A French competitor wins the first international round

On the weekend of February 14, 2015, I went to Cascais near Lisbon almost to attend the first international fencing tournament in the “visually impaired” category.
Four nations were represented : Portugal (the host country), Sweden, Italy, and France.
There were 16 men in our team, and there was also a team of six women.
At the end of the pools, I came first overall. This was not a goal in itself, but it augured well for the rest, because in the first knock-out rounds, I was set against the contestant who came 16th. Too bad it was a French guy...
In the quarter finals, I eliminated a Swedish swordsman, and an Italian in the semifinals.
At last, in the finals, I eliminated another French fencer, and came first in this first international tournament.
What a Valentine’s Day gift for Yolande, my partner and guide, and what a thrill for me!
Another big thank you to Gaël Fischer, my fencing master, and to Laurence Fuhrer Syda, President of the Florival Disabled Sports Club in Guebwiller (Haut-Rhin, Alsace), for their support throughout the year.
Christophe BOULAND