In 24 hours, go up to the Mont Ventoux 6 times ! with the strength of your leg…

Mission accomplished! « But I must say that I have suffered through it! », recognizes the young man who started at 2 AM to pass the arrival line shortly after 9 a.m. Amputee of one leg, following a moto accident, the cyclist hurt himself during the 4th at his short let. « I have had big doubts moments. I finally took out my prothesis to finish the last 4 runs to the top.”
Jérôme threw himself on the slopes of the bold Mount to answer those questions: « Now. I know, I who I am », says Jerome, with serenity. I have my answers: in harsh moments, I don’t give up! »
Extrait du journal « Nord et Clair » du 21.09.2017
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