Nicolas Linder, a blind person is starting crossing of Alsace

Written by Aude Raso, France Bleu Alsace
Thanks to a GPS adapted for people with sight deficiency, Nicolas Linder will be running the 200 km between the 21 and 29 of July from Wissembourg to Sewen.
He will be leaving on July 21 at dawn. Nicolas Linder, sight deficient, will start a crossing of Alsace by foot by foot in less than 10 days. From Wissembourg to Sewen, near Masevaux, it is not less than 200 kilomètres that are in front of him. His ally ? A GPS, adapted to sight deficient people, totally guided by voice, explains the Alsacien, who already ran the trip of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle or has also walked on the Baïkal lake in Sibéria.
Giving back confidence despite the handicap
When interviewed about his performance, Nicolas Linder respond that he does not see himself like a champion, to the contrary. I have been using this GPS for 3 years, and it allowed be to find back confidence in me. Finding orientation was too complicated. Only 5 % of the blind deficient population comes out of their house autonomously.
“This GPS has change my life. Now I can show that despite the handicap, we can do a lot of things.
I am very consicious that not everyone can 50 km trails or crossing the Alsace. But I hope that more and more non seeing people will use this type of tools” concludes Nicolas Linder.
"Je suis bien conscient que tout le monde ne fera pas des trails de 50 km ou des traversées de l'Alsace. Mais j'espère que de plus en plus de malvoyants se tourneront vers ce type d'outils", conclude Nicolas Linder.