Rally – Raid, Philippe Croizon with four amputed members on the Spanish Rallly.

Philippe Croizon take over the challenge of the Baja-Aragon Rally. Comforted by his team, his mental condition and the quality of the updated car he can drive his buggy all by himself, and continue to train in view of the 2017 Dakar ...
La Baja Aragon, in Spain, is one of the endurance rally, one of the most overwhelming international races. Philippe Croizon, a sport guy of the extreme amputed of 4 members and his team have reached a very honorable time and are 7th in the open category of 10 competitors who have managed to cross the finishing line (they were 15 at the start of the race)
The race was on July 22-24 2016. Step of the world wide championship of the Rallies – Raids of the International Automotive Federation, the race gathers all the big names of this discipline, preparing for the Dakar race Nani Roma, Carlos Sainz, Mikko Hirvonen... Sans oublier Nasser Al Attiyah, vainqueur de cette édition.
Trust is Building up
La Baja, represent 600 km in 3 steps. The equivalent of one day in Dakar rave. On the beginning of the 9 first KM of Day I, I have to admit that I was not very at eayse admits Philippe Croizon. A lot of pression as I took conscience that I was getting myself into an enourmous challenge and that I was racing with the best. At the end of this first step, he is indeed at the bottom of the race ranking list. The next day, he has to step up his game : 2 stretches of 200 KM each. “It was already getting better but I was not at the top of my capacities” continues Philippe. I had a hard time to push the pedal and increase the gaz level in the straight lines to 160 km/h”
The dirt, montagneaous and dry does not allow for any hesitation: dirt, sand, and rocks, mostly rocks. And the suffocating heat gives an overview of one of the main constraint of the Dakar…