The adventure is over, but is it really a failure for this paraplegic tenniswoman?

Emilie Chéné explains her challenge through this excerpt of her thank you letter :
Hi all,
The decision has been made, I won’t be part of the Rio French paraolympic team next September because I haven't been be able to be classified int the best 22 mondial players.
Seemingly, the objective is not reached but, actually, the objective was elsewhere. I learnt it during my adventure. Better than the goal, it’s the way you go through to reach it that matters.
This athletic pathway enables me to meet wonderful people who accompanied me, according to their means, envies and will. Thanks to you, this adventure was fascinating, living, wealthy.
I’d like to thank everybody with this short note even it seems ludicrous to express all my feelings with this few words,, my gratitude, my enthusiasm.
Short but precise and concise, straight to the point, so thank you all!
Now, I’m able to look ahead with many projects in mind. Surely, this human experience is gona stick with me and be part of my future life whatever I’ll try . Undoubtedly a matchless wealth!
I hope you are all in great shape. I wish you can surpass yourself with personal and professional challenges and become even greater whaterver the outcomes. To quote Winston Churchill: The success is to be able to go from failure to failure without loosing his enthusiasm.
Thanks, many thanks to all.