The Brazilian football coach with five championship titles …. and who is blind

In football today, winning five championship titles is no big deal – but winning them thanks to a blind coach certainly is. This amazing story takes place in Brazil.
Flavio Aurelio Silva founded the Juventude club (not to be confused with the winners of the Brazilian National Cup), a small local football club in the underprivileged district of Fortaleza, in 1985. Flavio played with the club as a defensive midfielder for four years, until he lost the sight in one of his eyes at the age of 20, following a rather brutal scuffle. One year later, he lost his other eye, an event which obliged him to trade in his football boots for a white stick.
He can see football better than any other coach
Deone Lopes, striker for the Juventude club
End of quote
Instead of moping over his fate, Flavio took the initiative and continued to help his club, first as treasurer and then as coach.
I’m proud to be the founder, a player, and now the big boss of this club, even though I’m blind (Flavio Aurelio Silva).
At 46, the man who his players call « Little Blind Man » has carried off a string of victories, using his hearing rather than his eyesight to follow the game. During a match, he will stand on the sidelines with his team, and listen to the movements of the ball and of the players. He also takes into account the remarks made by his players and by the spectators.