An Australian will conquer Mont Everest

Scott Doolan, 28 years, wants to be the first one to rally the bas camp of the Everest in a Wheel Chair. This paraplegic Australian has mostly anticipated to use his hands to climbup as a wheelbarrow. Eight days of trek!
Written by Annabel Symington (AFP)
An Australian in a wheel chair has the ambition to be the first paraplegic to rally the base camp of Mont Everest with help during a trek. Scott Dolan, 28 years of age, will start on March 16th 2018 his trip to conquer the south face of the Mont Everest, on the Nepal side, at 5364 m of altitude, usually only reachable by foot or by helicopter. The man wants to prove that the top of the mountain can also be reached in a wheel chair.
As simple as a kids’ game ?
To get there, he will use a specially fitted wheel chair with trek wheels to take the small trek where he can go with his wheel chair. But I think that most of the day he will use his hands, with a friend who will carry his legs, like in the kid’s game : wheel barrow he says. “ I will come out of my wheel chair and my friend Matt will hold me taking me by the ankles, and I will walk on my hands.” For the last eight months, M. Doolan has been exercising for this trek, with cardio-vascular and muscular exercises. He has also spent some time on the Blue Mountains in Australia, wearing a mask limiting intake of oxygen to simulate the high altitude conditions that will be present in the mountains of the Himalaya.
Dépêche AFP reprise par le site, le 16.03.2018
Photos du site Instragram de Scott Doolan.