7 000 km in Australia: the challenge of a paraplegic adventurer.

Looking for discoveries and thrills, Steve Lucas is about to cross the full length of Australia. This paraplegic adventurer will have as only crutch his hand bike and his companion. A challenge to follow from December 3, 2018.
“Stay it's existing, but travel is living life." Steve Lucas has made his motto. This paraplegic GlobeTrotter travelled on all continents or almost... His incredible collection, missing the Oceania. So, he decided that his next trip would be southern: 7,000 km in hand bike to cross the land of kangaroos, from Sydney to Perth, via Tasmania.
“Push the limits of his disability is more than a challenge, is to give the chance to live a free and authentic life," says Steve. We will then wish him a good trip way!
By Cassandre Rogeret, on 02.12.2018
Source: Handicap.fr