Road of the rum for a man born without a left hand.

Damien Seguin crossed the finish line of the 11th edition of the Route du Rhum today at 8 hours 55 minutes 02 seconds after 14 days, 18 hours, 55 minutes, 2 seconds of running.
The skipper of the 60' group covered 4 291 miles at an average speed of 12,09 nodes is an extraordinary performance for this skipper born without a left hand and triple Paralympic medal.
After having played the event twice in 2010 and 2014, Damien loop its first transatlantic solo on a monohull 18, 28 m. Damien Seguin confesses at his arrival at the dock at Pointe-à-Pitre : he would unhesitatingly signed for the 6th place in the Imoca initially in Saint-Malo. And he can be proud of himself because we know that this 11th edition of the Route du Rhum will have been particularly challenging for the men and their machines
Extract of the Press Release
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