Marc Chaumont has become a legend.

Marc Chaumont has become a legend.
12.54 kms, 6h55 swim between La Tranche-sur-Mer and the island of Ré... On September 18, 2022, Marc Chaumont "entered the legend". 5 days later, if this 45-year-old paraplegic swimmer has put the "wheels" back on Earth, he still has his head in the stars. Inspiring interview and cash!
Marc Chaumont: At the time, I had trouble thinking, I was more tired than anything else (laughs). But I thought, "Fuck, it's worth it... All these aches, these sacrifices, to have suffered but not to have given up, to have invested so much, trained, questioned, to have believed in me.
Throughout the crossing, I was looking back at the last five years, all these difficult and extraordinary moments that I have experienced since my accident and that have brought me to this point. So what I felt above all was a big feeling of victory over me, over my disability, over life...
Par Cassandre Rogeret /