Mont Blanc, a unijambist and a paraplegic dreamed of tutting the high peaks.

The weather decided otherwise. When he had to decide, the guide of the Queyras David Preiss, who dreamed of accompanying Manoël, his childhood friend, to Mont Blanc could only deplore the too many uncertainties that remained.
The strong wind announced at more than 4,000 meters above sea level would probably not have allowed the rope of 12 people to reach the summit. This project with such complex logistics is therefore postponed to next year. Climbing Mont Blanc on skis is becoming more and more complex. However, it is by this means that the athlete Victor Pierrel, suffering from paraplegia, Oscar Burnham, amputee of one hand, and Manoël Bourdenx, tibial amputee, could have hoped to return to the high peaks.
This singular Alpine caravan that cannot pass through the normal route of Mont Blanc and the Goûter corridor planned to take the historic route and the refuge of the Grands Mulets. But even for able-bodied people, the conditions encountered on skis on this route deteriorate considerably with the arrival of summer. A company requiring such logistics can therefore only be shifted.
Handicapped champions, however, ensure that their determination remains intact. They will return next year to try to achieve this feat as crazy as it is inspiring.
Source : Le DL du 8 juin 2022